VAERS ID: 1317277

AGE: 66| SEX: F|STATE: CA (United States)


"Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA" -- patient hospitalized with covid19 after receiving one dose moderna vaccine. 66 y.o. female with hypertension and diabetes admitted with sharp abd pain, nausea, vomiting for several days. CT abd with cecal distention, findings concerning for cecal volvulus. Extended resp panel positive for SARS-CoV-2 (received 1st dose of COVID vaccine on 3/22). Went to OR for exploratory laparotomy, lysis of adhesion and right colectomy. Patient was also found to be Covid-19 positive and needed supplemental oxygen in ED (3L NC at the time). Imaging showing bilateral pulmonary infiltrates/effusions (and also cecal volvulus, as stated above, pt underwent exloratory laparotomy, lysis of adhesion, right colectomy with ilecolostomy). Patient was recovering on medical floor when she clinically decompensated and needed increased oxygen and had a drop in blood pressure (confused, hypotensive, hypoxic). Labs notable for BUN 37, creatinine 2.16, procalcitonin 17.62, Hgb 6.4 (10 on admission). ABG 7.35/ 28/ 73/ 16/ 94% on nasal cannula. 1 unit PRBC given. BP continued to be borderline and was placed on vasopressor briefly. Empiric antibiotics vancomycin/cefepime/Flagyl, and patient was also started on remdesivir and dexamethasone. Nadir O2 sat was 82% on 3/31/2021. T=102.2 on 3/31/21. Patients had multiple family members with Covid-19. Treatments as stated above included Remdesivir and Dexamethasone. Cultures negative - exact source of sepsis unclear: bacterial pneumonia vs. covid vs. intra-abdominal source In ICU from 3/31 to 4/3. Medical floor 4/3 to 4/7. Patient was discharged home 4/7/21.

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(If this is a foreign report without a description you will be able to read the description in the Wayback Machine on Medalerts if the report became public for the first time before November 18, 2022.)


Hypotension, Vomiting, Nausea, Abdominal pain, Confusional state, Blood urea increased, Sepsis, Abdominal distension, Hypoxia, Pleural effusion, Pericardial effusion, Blood creatinine increased, Chest X-ray abnormal, Haemoglobin decreased, Intensive care, Urine analysis, Blood pressure decreased, Lung infiltration, Blood culture negative, Blood gases, Computerised tomogram abdomen abnormal, Volvulus, Explorative laparotomy, Colectomy, Pneumonia bacterial, Packed red blood cell transfusion, Computerised tomogram abdomen, Scan with contrast abnormal, Staphylococcus test negative, Procalcitonin, Lung opacity, Intestinal adhesion lysis, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 test positive, Ileocolostomy


VAX DATE: 03-22-2021| ONSET DATE: 03-30-2021| DAYS TO ONSET: 8
NameDose #TypeManufacturerLotRouteSite

LAB_DATA:3/30/21 Extended Resp Panel by PCR - SARS-CoV-2 positive 3/30/21 Blood culture - negative x2; 3/31/21 Blood culture - negative x2 Additional information for Item 19: 3/31/21 MRSA PCR - negative 3/31/21 Urinalysis/culture <6WBC, no bacteria 3/30/21 Pro-calcitonin 0.14 3/31/21 Pro-calcitonin 17.62 3/30/21 CT abdomen pelvis without contrast - Marked fluid distension of the cecum measuring nearly 10 cm in diameter with an air-fluid level noted with nondistention of the remainder of the colon. There is also some mild to moderate air and fluid distention of mid and distal small bowel loops with air-fluid level suggesting some element of obstruction. Findings are concerning for a cecal volvulus. Small bilateral pleural effusions and small pericardial effusion. Extensive patchy areas of alveolar infiltrate in both lower lung regions consistent with pneumonia. 3/30/2021 CT abdomen pelvis with contrast - Interval resolution of previously noted dilated small bowel loops and interval improvement in previously noted now mild to moderately air distended cecum with air-fluid level suggesting diminution in suspect cecal volvulus. Extensive bilateral lower lung infiltrates consistent with pneumonia, rule out COVID-19. 4/7/2021 CT chest with contrast - Patchy interstitial opacities in the lungs bilaterally with some associated ground-glass densities 3/30/21 Chest Xray - moderate bilateral pumonary infiltrates 3/31/21 Chest Xray - persistent patchy parenchymal areas of density throughout the lungs 4/4/21 Chest Xray - stable moderate bilateral pulmonary infiltrates 4/7/21 Chest Xray - persistent prominent interstitial markings throughout the lungs, improved. Persistent patchy areas of density at the lung bases, improved on the right and similar in appearance on the left.
OTHER_MEDS:Iron sulfate, Lantus, Levothyroxine, losartan, metformin, Nifedipine, Oxybutynin, ropinirole, simvastatin
CUR_ILL:Generalized edema, Raynaud's phenomenon without gangrene
HISTORY:Raynaud's syndrome without gangrene; Edema of extremities, diabetes, hypothyroidism

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OpenVAERS is a private organization that posts publicly available CDC/FDA data of injuries reported post-vaccination. Reports are not proof of causality.