VAERS ID: 1355174

AGE: 51| SEX: M|STATE: CA (United States)


On 5/20/21 the patient was at home with his mother when he had acute nausea, light-headedness, and abdominal pain. He presented to the ED by ambulance. Excerpt from ED notes od MD follows: "Initial ED interventions: iv fluids, low dose iv ativan, iv toradol, iv zofran. ED course: patient arrives very anxious, writhing on bed, difficult to redirect. With chronic tonicity, not seizing. Mother arrives, and he recognizes her, seems to be consoled somewhat by her presence, but she is unable to direct him, and describes his behavior as irregular, and events acute this evening at her home. Patient rests, and then HR decrease to 50s on monitior and patient found to be pulseless - I immediately start chest compressions, and achieve ROSC after PEA arrest with administration of EPI/compressions. Patient intubated per procedure note without complication. L femoral central attained per procedure note without complication. CPR performed over ED course intermittently (always PEA arrest) with ROSC achieved with administration of EPI, EPI drip started in addition to sedation meds, and iv fluids. No obvious STEMI on ECG to administer lytics, with suspicion of dissection and AAA prominent. I am able to stabilze and accompany patient to CT suite, where I recognize B/L massive PE immediately. I discuss with Dr. of Cardiology, who agrees with admininstration of alteplase. I disucss risks with mother who consents verbally. Patient without response to alteplase, and with continued pattern of PEA arrest following bradycardia. I discuss etiology of presentation with mother,and that patient is with very poor prognosis of survival, and likely poorer prognosis of neurological status, and patient is made comfort care, and fentanyl drip increased, patient is taken off of ventilation and drips. Pronounced deceased at 22:00. MDM: Initial concern for but not limited to appendicitis, AAA, diverticulitis, renal stones, pyelonephritis, musculoskeletal pain, pancreatitis, toxic ingestion, ACS, obstruction, perforation, sepsis (2/2 PNA, UTI, meningitis, intra-abdominal infection), AAA, dissection, PE - as ED course progresses, differential narrows and consider more likely PEA arrest secondary to ACS, PE, dissection, AAA, necrotic pancreatitis, tension PNX (less likely). Considered but do not suspect seizures, stroke. Imaging studies reviewed - CXR with ETT in place, no acute pathology. CTA chest/A/P remarkable for massive proximal B/L PE. Labs reviewed. ECGs without STEMI, with sinus tach initially, LBBB after initial ROSC, and then AFib in RVR on subsequent ECG. Per above, patient suffered massive B/L PE, with subsequent cardiac arrest, despite heoric efforts including thrombolysis. Death called art 22:00. Diagnosis: massive B/L PEs, PEA arrest. Disposition: deceased."

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(If this is a foreign report without a description you will be able to read the description in the Wayback Machine on Medalerts if the report became public for the first time before November 18, 2022.)


Dizziness, Bradycardia, Nausea, Abdominal pain, Hypertonia, Cardiac arrest, Electrocardiogram abnormal, Atelectasis, Anxiety, Pneumothorax, Atrial fibrillation, Dyskinesia, Pulmonary embolism, Chest X-ray normal, Sinus tachycardia, Abnormal behaviour, Heart rate decreased, Death, Pulse absent, Pancreatitis necrotising, Endotracheal intubation, Mechanical ventilation, Resuscitation, Acute coronary syndrome, Pulmonary infarction, Angiogram pulmonary abnormal, Aortic aneurysm, Central venous catheterisation, Bundle branch block left, Right ventricular dysfunction, Lung consolidation, Computerised tomogram abdomen, Scan with contrast abnormal, Pulseless electrical activity, Sedative therapy, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 test positive, Aortic dissection, Catheter directed thrombolysis


VAX DATE: 05-07-2021| ONSET DATE: 05-20-2021| DAYS TO ONSET: 13
NameDose #TypeManufacturerLotRouteSite

LAB_DATA:Result Date: 05/20/21 20:35 Verified By: MD at 05/20/21 20:57 Report : CT Angio Chest+Abd+Pelvis w Con IMPRESSION: 1. Large pulmonary embolism burden bilaterally. Right ventricular strain pattern. Ratio RV/LV of 5.8 cm/2 cm. 2. Posterior left lung base consolidation suggesting early infarct or atelectasis. 3. Minor posterior right lower lobe atelectasis versus early infarct change. 4. Endotracheal tube in position. Result Date: 05/20/21 20:00 Verified By: MD at 05/20/21 20:37 Report : XR Chest 1 View Portable IMPRESSION: 1. Endotracheal tube is well positioned with tip approximately 3 cm above carina. 2. Clear lung fields and pleural space. Electronically Signed By: MD On 05/20/2021 20:37:10 05/20/21 20:37 Labs: of note, SARS-CoV-2 result was positive 5/20/21. The patient's mother stated that he had no symptoms leading up to this episode.
HISTORY:Cerebral Palsy

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OpenVAERS is a private organization that posts publicly available CDC/FDA data of injuries reported post-vaccination. Reports are not proof of causality.